POSTCARD: Water & Steel || James River Park System

" No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he is not the same man."~ Heraclitus.

James River Downtown RVA.
Water in a river is always moving, a river is always changing.

I thought this morning would be just like any other—another familiar, repetitive workout. As I stepped onto the bridge, ready for the usual trek across the James River, I was met with an unexpected view. It was the perfect way to start my day, and I knew I had to capture the moment.

As I sit here reflecting on Heraclitus’s quote, I find myself thinking about its deeper meaning. To me, Heraclitus suggests that life is always moving forward. You’re never the same person you were yesterday because your experiences shape you. Life, in essence, is in constant flux.

Looking at this image, I see the same idea at play. The places where I spend my time aren’t static—they are always evolving, offering new and unique experiences with every visit.

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