Military Veterans and Gold Star Families Lifetime Pass to Our National Parks

Military Veterans and Gold Star Families Lifetime Pass
The lifetime pass is just one way the nation shows its gratitude and support to the Armed Forces.

The Military Interagency Pass was established in the 2004 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. It was one of five America the Beautiful Park Passes. An annual free park pass, the Military Interagency pass, gave access to more than 2,000 recreation destinations. 

Passed in December 2021, The Alexander Lofgren Veteran in Parks (VIP) Act authorized lifetime access to federal lands to veterans and Gold Star families. This is in addition to the free military pass. To learn about the tragedy of Alexander Lofgren. Hear Emily Henkel's own words recount the accident that took the life of her partner Alexander in Death Valley National Park.

Over the years I have used my Military Interagency pass to access one of my favorite National Parks.  As of  Veteran's Day, 11 November 2022. You can now get the lifetime pass. I have provided the links to each federal land agency. Not every agency has updated its website with the current information. 

108 Nationa Parks charge entrance fees. This is a list of those parks and entrance fee prices. This should help provide a better understanding of the value of the lifetime pass. I am also providing the link to who is eligible as a veteran and Gold Star Family for the pass and what forms of identification are required. 

In addition to obtaining the pass at contact stations. You can also purchase your Military Veterans and Gold Star Families Lifetime Pass at the USGS Store. The pass will not be available for immediate download. They will be shipped to your address. Please note there is a $10 processing fee if you purchase through the USGS store. 


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